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Trauma: The Body and The Brain training module

Trauma: The Body and The Brain – Training series

Registrations are now open for our specialised training – Trauma: The Body and The Brain training series, both modules one and two, designed for professionals across multiple sectors supporting and responding to people who have experienced trauma.

The ‘Trauma: Body and the Brain’ training series has been designed to provide information on understanding trauma and impacts, informed by practitioners’ expertise supporting and responding to people who have experienced trauma.

Using evidence based and trauma informed practice knowledge, participants will be introduced to the key concepts of trauma and complex trauma as it relates to sexual assault and family violence.

The training series explores childhood trauma, building participants’ knowledge and understanding on how trauma impacts the brain and the body, importance of integrating the brain and body to manage trauma symptoms, using practical strategies and the importance of relationships and building safety in the body.

To register for one of these sessions, please visit our Training page. 

The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of the land we stand on. We are committed to working toward creating a community where all people indigenous and non-indigenous are safe, connected and empowered to live well. The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre recognises the diverse needs of our community and we ensure our services are inclusive of all children, young people and their families including those who are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent, from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, those who identify as LGBTIQ and persons living with disability. We work collaboratively with people and partner organisations who also support our diverse client group. Interpreter and translator services are available to all our clients upon request.

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