Crisis Care
We can be contacted anytime, day or night, if a child, young person or adult in the Barwon or Wimmera region has experienced a sexual assault in the previous 14 days and needs immediate support.
Our staff are on call 24 hours to attend and offer emotional support, practical assistance and information about the options that are available to someone who has recently been sexually assaulted for example how to make a police statement, get medical care, or have a forensic examination. The choice of care and options are decided by the individual.
Immediate support at any time of the day or night is also offered to women and women and their children in the Barwon area who have recently experienced or who are leaving a family violence situation and require support.
Other Support
Crisis counselling by phone is available for yourself, family members, friends or other support people who are distressed, anxious, or experiencing trauma symptoms as a result of recent or historical sexual violence by calling the Statewide Sexual Assault Crisis Line (SACL) 1800 806 292 (24 hours per day, 7 days a week)
For a recent sexual assault or family violence crisis response
Police 000
Sexual Assault Crisis Line (24/7)
1800 806 292
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre (24/7)
1800 015 188
The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre
Geelong 03 5222 4318 (business hours)
Horsham 03 5381 1211 (business hours)