The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre (The SAFV Centre) will be joining people across Victoria to raise awareness about violence against women and walk in solidarity with victim survivors of family violence at the Safe Steps 13th Annual Walk Against Family Violence on Thursday 25 November 2021.
The Walk Against Family Violence, organised by Safe Steps and supported by Respect Victoria is an annual event where community members take a collective stand against family violence by participating in one of the many walk events held across Victoria on the day.
Held on 25 November, the walk takes place on the United Nation’s annual International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence – an international campaign galvanising action to end violence against women and girls around the world.
Helen Bolton, CEO The SAFV Centre said that ending family violence requires a whole community to make a change.
“Violence against women and family violence in Australia is prevalent, serious and an abuse of human rights.”
“Since July 2020, The SAFV Centre has seen a 20 percent increase in requests for support from women, children and young people for family violence case management. We have seen a 31 percent increase in children (aged 0–11 years) and a 26 percent increase in young people (aged 12–17 years) accessing support during this period for family violence case management.”
“Violence against women and family violence is preventable. We all need to work together in our homes, workplaces, schools and social groups to address its main driver – gender inequality. We do this by challenging the condoning of violence against women; challenging harmful gender stereotypes and roles; promoting women’s independence and decision-making; and strengthening positive, equal relationships based on respect.”
“We all need to come together as a community to prevent family violence – we can’t do it alone. While we have a vast range of support services in our community to respond and support, it will take a shift in our attitudes towards women and working towards gender equality that will ultimately end family violence.”
“On Thursday, we will be walking in solidarity with victim survivors of family and violence against women. You can show your support for victim-survivors and help send a message across Victoria that family violence and violence against women is never okay by participating in this year’s Walk Against Family Violence.”
To register for the Walk Against Family Violence, please visit
The 2021 Walk Against Family Violence event is supported by Respect Victoria and organised by Safe Steps Family Violence Centre in co-ordination with City of Melbourne, Djirra, VACCA, Safe+Equal, InTouch Multicultural Centre, Emerge, WDV, NTV, VSAC.